Solutions for the special education teacher shortage typically focus on the retention of inservice teachers. A different approach starts earlier, focusing on preservice teachers who are developing their skillsets and determining their field of interest. Using Social Cognitive Career Theory as a framework, we examined preservice teachers’ special education career-related outcomes. In this pilot study, we evaluated the effect of a school-university partnership compared to a typical introduction to special education course. Using a quasi-experimental design, 77 participants completed pre- and post-measures on their special education: (a) perceived knowledge and comfort, (b) teaching efficacy, (c) career outcome expectations, (d) interest, and (e) career intentions. Results of paired t-tests showed that participants in both groups improved significantly in their perceived special education knowledge, confidence, and self-efficacy, with larger effect sizes for the partnership group. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) showed higher posttest scores in special education self-efficacy, interest, and intentions for those in the partnership group. Themes from participants’ open-ended responses mirrored quantitative findings. Implications from this pilot study for research, practice, and policy are discussed.