Sediment source-to-sink processes of river systems have significant impacts on depositional environments in coastal and shelf seas and on long-term climate change. Typically, sediments at the outlets of small mountainous rivers (SMRs) are considered to represent the average composition of particles eroded from the entire river basin due to the fast sediment transfer rate and short residence time in the basins. However, this assumption may be challenged by the significant heterogeneity in sediment erosion and transport processes within the SMRs catchments. In this study, we compare the geochemical and provenance heterogeneity of two typical mountainous rivers in subtropical East Asia, the Mulanxi in Mainland China and the Zhuoshuixi in Taiwan. These two SMRs have similar monsoon climate regimes but different tectonic, geomorphic, and hydrological settings, as well as sediment routing processes. Neodymium isotopes (εNd) and stable elemental ratios of Cr/Th and Sc/Th demonstrate the remarkable intra-catchment geochemical heterogeneity of both rivers. The εNd decreases from −7.1 to −10.0 from non-tidal to tidal reaches in the Mulanxi, while it changes from −11.5 in the upper reaches to −14.1 in the lower reaches of Zhuoshuixi. Apart from the general controls of provenance lithology and weathering processes on sediment geochemical heterogeneities between these two SMRs, the intra-catchment heterogeneity of the Zhuoshuixi is mainly induced by uneven sediment mixing in the flat and low connectivity areas (accounting for ~36.5% of the downstream area). Meanwhile, the strong tidal influence is the primary control for the intra-catchment geochemical heterogeneity of the Mulanxi sediment, and relatively long sediment residence time in the catchment also plays some role. Our study suggests that samples collected at the river mouths cannot be simply treated as representative of the basin average or fluvial end-member to the sea. The compositional heterogeneity of the SMRs and its environmental effects and responses to rapid climate change require more in-depth investigations.