Starch-based puffed crisps are a major group of popular snacks. In this work, the effects and underlying mechanisms of moisture content (MC) on the puffing of sweet potato starch gels were explored. The results showed that the gel with 12 % MC generated the highest puffing ratio (8.96), then followed by gels with 16 % MC (8.45) and 8 % MC (8.28). All starch gels presented a two-stage puffing pattern, but their evolutions with the heating temperature were highly dependent on the MC of gels. The relative puffing area percentages of gels with 8 % MC, 12 % MC and 16 % MC in the first (second) stages were 57.64 % (42.36 %), 60.66 % (39.34 %), and 18.36 % (81.64 %), respectively. The final pores in puffed products originated from the small water clusters that were regionalized in gel cells. The air cells started to expand as the gels with 8 % MC, 12 % MC and 16 % MC respectively reached the glass transition temperatures of 158.45 °C, 142.15 °C and 111.03 °C. The puffing was a joint consequence of the extensibility of cell walls and the pressure of water vapor in cells and the MC of the gels could regulate both of them. This study would facilitate the production of starch snacks with higher quality.