Microstructure, property and high-temperature wear performance of Cr3C2-based coatings deposited by conventional and ID-HVAF spray torches: A comparative study
The durability of industrial components exposed to high temperatures can be increased by depositing high-velocity air-fuel (HVAF) sprayed Cr3C2-based coatings. The uniform embedding of wear-resistant Cr3C2 within an oxidation-resistant binder matrix allows HVAF-sprayed Cr3C2-based coatings to be widely used in high-temperature environments. However, consolidating these coatings demands an optimum particle velocity and temperature combination, primarily dependent on the spray torch design. Understanding the role of spray torch variants with altered combustion chamber and nozzle designs is essential, which might influence the coating (splat) formation mechanism and the resultant wear performance. Accordingly, Cr3C2–25NiCr and Cr3C2–30NiCrMoNb were sprayed using different HVAF torches (high-power AK06 and low-power AK05-ID (inner diameter): generate different energy (thermal + kinetic) output) to understand the role of the binder as well as the torch design. The deposited coatings were comprehensively compared based on splat morphology, microstructure, mechanical properties, room and high-temperature erosion and sliding wear behavior. Subsequently, a detailed post-wear analysis was performed to decipher the associated wear mechanism. As inferred from the results, Cr3C2–25NiCr coatings deposited through a high-power AK06 spray torch displayed preferable microstructure, properties and superior wear resistance. The study also offered new insights into HVAF-ID torch-deposited coatings.