Phenolic acids are the most prominent group of bioactive compounds present in various plant sources. Hydroxybenzoic acids and hydroxycinnamic acids, the aromatic secondary metabolites imparting typical organoleptic characteristics to food are the major phenolic acids, and they are linked to several health benefits. Fruit and beverage crops being the richer sources of phenolic acids have been studied in depth, but phenolic acids from vegetables are largely overlooked. Though lesser in quantity in many vegetables, there is a need to explore the health benefits of the phenolic acids present in them. In this review, the importance of vegetables as a significant source of phenolic acids is emphasized. Vegetables being easily accessible throughout the year and consumed in larger quantities compared to fruits in our daily diet will probably contribute to significant health benefits. Since vegetables are often processed before consumption, the changes in phenolic acids as influenced by processing methods are highlighted. Best processing methods, pre-treatments and storage conditions for higher retention of phenolic acids have been highlighted to minimize their losses. The phenolic acids in vegetables and their health benefits have been cluster mapped, which may facilitate further research for nutraceutical development for specific health concerns. The processing stability of phenolic acids coupled with higher consumption indicates that they may be a potential source of phenolic acids in the diet. It is expected that the popularization of vegetables as a source of phenolic acids in daily diet will help in ameliorating the adverse effect of some of the lifestyle diseases.