Liver fibrosis is a major public health problem with high morbidity and mortality rate. Despite noteworthy progress in understanding the mechanisms of liver fibrosis, anti-hepatic fibrosis treatments have partial efficacy. The main reason is failure of transported target drug into the target cells, resulting in insufficient concentration of target drugs, and the side effects caused by non-target cells are large. Activation and proliferation of hepatic stellate cell is a key link in the progression of liver fibrosis. Therefore, one of the main goals of anti-fibrotic therapy is to develop a drug delivery system targeting hepatic stellate cells to efficiently target drugs in active hepatic stellate cells without affecting other organs and other cells in the liver. In this review, we outline a number of receptor-mediated strategies for targeting drug delivery in hepatic stellate cells.肝纤维化是一个主要的公共卫生问题,有较高的发病率和死亡率。尽管对肝纤维化发生机制的认识取得了重大进展,抗肝纤维化治疗药物仍然效果有限。主要原因是不能靶向运输到靶细胞导致靶细胞的药物浓度不够,而作用于非靶细胞所致不良反应大。肝星状细胞的激活和增生是肝纤维化发生进展的中心环节。因此抗纤维化治疗的一个主要目标是发展靶向肝星状细胞药物传递系统,使药物高效靶向表达于活性肝星状细胞而不影响其他脏器及肝内其他细胞。现主要概述几种受体介导肝星状细胞的靶向药物传递策略。.