Luis A. Herrera-Piad,Joseph W. Haus,D. Jáuregui-Vázquez,Y. Lopez-Dieguez,J. M. Estudillo-Ayala,Juan M. Sierra-Hernández,J. C. Hernández-García,R. Rojas-Laguna
We propose and demonstrate a fibre optic system based on bi-tapered silica fibre that can simultaneously measure strain and fibre curvature. Both modalities on the signal can be extracted with no measurable crosstalk between them. The experimental signal has a pure phase modulation when strain is applied to the tapered fibre optic section of the sensor and the signal shows only intensity modulation when an un-tapered fibre section is bent. High sensitivity is achieved from the experimental results for strain and bending losses and the estimation of measurement errors is 0.2 and 0.1%, respectively. This system offers low-cost, compactness and it can be adapted for structural health monitoring.