Formation of mineral–mineral and organo–mineral composite building units from microaggregate‐forming materials including microbially produced extracellular polymeric substances
Structures of colloidal compounds in soil, including organo–mineral and mineral–mineral associations, are considered as composite building units (CBUs) that may combine into soil microaggregates. Despite the ubiquitous occurrence of CBUs, the major formation mechanisms are rather obscure and little is known about whether they form primarily during weathering of the parent rocks or by aggregation processes from the soil suspension. We studied the formation of CBUs from suspensions composed of minerals and organic matter typical for temperate soils (i.e. quartz, goethite, illite and extracellular polymeric substances [EPS]). Without EPS, we found CBUs formed as mineral–mineral associations by hetero coagulation of illite and quartz that is bridged by goethite. The presence of EPS, in contrast, led to the formation of a stable suspension of clay‐sized CBUs with no involvement of quartz. We explained this by the rapid formation of organo–mineral CBUs made of EPS‐associated goethite and EPS‐associated illite. The sorption of EPS to goethite screened its surface charge, thereby reducing the electrostatic attraction between goethite and illite. This interaction effectively impeded the formation of mineral–mineral CBUs. Moreover, interactions of EPS with goethite resulted in a marked decrease of the phosphorus/carbon ratio in the suspension. This suggested a preferred adsorption of phosphorus‐containing EPS constituents to goethite and in turn to a compositional fractionation of EPS constituents between the solid and liquid phase as shown by Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection (FTIR–ATR). Laser light diffraction measurements revealed a shift from the fine silt fraction to that of the fine sand that also supports the role of EPS as a ‘binding’ agent. Highlights Composite building units (CBUs) form in suspensions with different mineral and organic components. Both, hetero mineral–mineral and organo–mineral CBUs were formed. The initial composition of the suspension controls type and properties of resulting CBUs. Depending on the mineral surfaces, EPS may serve as a separation or binding agent.