Plasmalemma vesicle-associated protein (PLVAP, also called PV-1) is the only protein that forms endothelial diaphragms. PLVAP expression is very low in the normal blood-retinal barrier; however, pathological factors such as high glucose and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) induce its expression, leading to the exacerbation of cellular permeability. Because the new blood vessels are fragile and leaky, PLVAP could possibly be considered a therapeutic target against retinovascular diseases. VEGF inhibitors are commonly used for the treatment of such diseases; however, there are several concerns associated with their use, especially in the case of chronic suppression of VEGF. In this study, we investigated the expressional level of PLVAP mRNA in VEGF-treated endothelial cells and the retinas of 2 animal models: streptozotocin-induced diabetic Brown Norway rats and Sprague-Dawley rats with oxygen-induced retinopathy. Among transcellular transport-related genes, the induction of PLVAP mRNA is the most apparent; the increase of PLVAP mRNA levels in the retina is evident during pathological progression. Furthermore, anti-PLVAP antibodies were generated, and their efficacy against laser-induced choroidal neovascularization was tested in cynomolgus monkeys. Although the leakage was exacerbated in the saline-injected group during the progression of neovascularization, the intravitreal injection of anti-PLVAP antibodies significantly ameliorated the exudation. These data imply that the PLVAP inhibition is a promising therapeutic approach against retinal diseases such as diabetic macular edema, retinopathy of prematurity, and wet age-related macular degeneration.