Tourism destination brand equity, brand authenticity and revisit intention: the mediating role of tourist satisfaction and the moderating role of destination familiarity
Purpose This study aims to explore the relationships among destination brand equity, brand authenticity and revisit intention. The mediating role of tourist satisfaction and the moderating role of destination familiarity in these relationships are also investigated. Design/methodology/approach Based on the stimulus–organism–response theory, a structural equation model was constructed to test the relationships among the study variables. The original data was obtained using a questionnaire survey method from domestic tourists who have traveled to Guilin in China. Findings The findings revealed that brand equity and brand authenticity not only positively and directly affect revisit intention but also have an indirect influence on revisit intention through the mediating role of tourist satisfaction. Destination familiarity positively moderates the direct influence of brand equity on revisit intention. Furthermore, brand authenticity significantly and positively affects brand equity. Practical implications The findings of this study provide a certain enlightenment for brand marketing and tourist destination management. Originality/value This study reveals the impact path of brand equity and brand authenticity on revisit intention, compensating for the lack of attention on impact mechanism among them. This study proves the impact of brand authenticity on destination brand equity. This compensates for the deficiencies that ignore possible antecedents affecting destination brand equity and the impact of brand authenticity on brand equity in the context of tourism destination. This study also confirms the specific dimensions of brand equity and brand authenticity in the context of Chinese tourism destinations in response to the current controversy.