Denitrification performance of sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification and biomass‑sulfur-based mixotrophic denitrification in solid-phase denitrifying reactors using novel composite filters
Both the elemental sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification (ESAD) and the biomass‑sulfur-based mixotrophic (simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic) denitrification processes (BSMD) are efficient methods for removing nitrate from wastewater. However, a comparative analysis of the denitrification capacity of the BSMD and ESAD in the packed bed reactors is still lacking. In this paper, corncob powder was selected as the biomass source to prepare biomass‑sulfur-based composite filter (BSCF) for the BSMD process. The denitrification performances of the three identical lab-scale bioreactors packed with varying elemental sulfur-based composite filters (ESCFs) were compared under varying loading conditions, and the optimal ESCF of the ESAD system was 2:1 by weight ratio of sulfur powder to shell powder. In pilot-scale experiments, the results showed that BSCF could decrease the sulfate productivity and gave better denitrification performance than the ESCF with the optimal nitrate removal rate (NRR) of 504 ± 12.3 mg NO3--N·L-1·d-1. In addition, the two-stage flushing strategy (for the removal of aged sludge) can effectively improve the denitrification capacity, while the denitrification will be inhibited when the influent dissolved oxygen concentration was higher than 4.5 mg L-1. Moreover, the heterotrophs and autotrophs were abundant in the reactors. Over time, the abundance of autotrophs increased while that of heterotrophs decreased. Overall, BSCF could be a promising and economic technology to improve the effluent quality.