Reply to the comment on “New insights into the biomineralization of mercury selenide nanoparticles through stable isotope analysis in giant petrel tissues” by A. Manceau, J. Hazard. Mater. 425 (2021) 127922. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127922
In the comments reported by A. Manceau [1], relating to our recent paper on mercury (Hg) species-specific isotopic characterization in giant petrel tissues [2] two critical questions were raised. Firstly, according to A. Manceau, our method of extraction and isolation of nanoparticles was not able to efficiently isolate mercury selenide nanoparticles (HgSe NPs) and therefore the δ202Hg values measured are not species-specific, but rather δ202Hg of mixtures of complexes such as MeHgCys, Hg(Sec)4, and HgSe. Secondly, he suggests that our main findings showing that no isotopic fractionation is induced during the HgSe NPs biomineralization step from the precursor-demethylated species is erroneous because it contradicts the conclusion of two recent articles by A. Manceau and co-workers [3,4]. In this reply we defend our scientific findings and respectively respond to the questions and comments raised by A. Manceau.