Electric field and strain engineering tuning Rashba spin splitting in quasi-one-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites (MV)AI<sub>3</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub> (MV = methylviologen, A = Bi, Sb)
We systematically study the Rashba spin texture of lead-free quasi-one-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites (OIHP), (MV)AI3Cl2 (MV = methylviologen, A = Bi, Sb) with first-principles calculations. The kx-ky plane Rashba spin splitting was found to depend on the composition of Bi (Sb) and I atoms at band edges. Importantly, increasing ferroelectric polarization and the stretch along the z-direction can effectively enhance the amplitude of the Rashba spin splitting. This work provides an avenue for electric field and strain-controlled spin splitting and highlights the potential of quasi-one-dimensional OIHP for further applications in spin field effect transistors and photovoltaic cells.