Novel blue pigments based on Ba0.956Mg0.912Al10.088-xNixO17 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) and Ba0.956Mg0.912Al10.088-xCoxO17 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) solid solutions were successfully synthesized by solid state method. The XRD results confirmed the structure of the as-synthesized sample belongs to hexagonal β-alumina structure with the space group of P63/mmc. The d-d electron transitions in Ni2+/Co2+ tetrahedral sites in the visible light range are the reason for the blue colors. Then, the as-prepared blue oxides were sintered with ZrO2 powders at 1400 °C to prepare blue zirconia ceramic materials. Based on XRD and SEM analysis, the pigment phase is stable after high-temperature sintering with ZrO2, and a clear grain boundary is observed. The XCT results indicate the prepared blue ceramics are dense and very small pores are rarely distributed inside the blue zirconia ceramic body. Additionally, the mechanical properties of the fabricated blue ceramics were maintained compared to pure ZrO2 ceramic.