Julia Amici,Pietro Asinari,Elixabete Ayerbe,P. Barboux,Pascale Bayle‐Guillemaud,R. Jürgen Behm,Maitane Berecibar,Erik J. Berg,Arghya Bhowmik,Silvia Bodoardo,Ivano E. Castelli,Isidora Cekić-Lasković,Rune Christensen,Simon Clark,Ralf Diehm,Robert Dominko,Maximilian Fichtner,Alejandro A. Franco,Alexis Grimaud,Nicolas Guillet,Maria Hahlin,Sarah Hartmann,Vincent Heiries,Kersti Hermansson,Andreas Heuer,Saibal Jana,Lara Jabbour,Josef Kallo,Arnulf Latz,Henning Lorrmann,Ole Martin Løvvik,Sandrine Lyonnard,Marcel Meeus,Elie Paillard,Simon Perraud,Tobias Placke,Christian Punckt,Olivier Raccurt,Janna Ruhland,Edel Sheridan,Helge S. Stein,Jean‐Marie Tarascon,Victor Trapp,Tejs Vegge,Marcel Weil,Wolfgang Wenzel,Martin Winter,Andreas Wolf,Kristina Edström
Abstract This roadmap presents the transformational research ideas proposed by “BATTERY 2030+,” the European large‐scale research initiative for future battery chemistries. A “chemistry‐neutral” roadmap to advance battery research, particularly at low technology readiness levels, is outlined, with a time horizon of more than ten years. The roadmap is centered around six themes: 1) accelerated materials discovery platform, 2) battery interface genome, with the integration of smart functionalities such as 3) sensing and 4) self‐healing processes. Beyond chemistry related aspects also include crosscutting research regarding 5) manufacturability and 6) recyclability. This roadmap should be seen as an enabling complement to the global battery roadmaps which focus on expected ultrahigh battery performance, especially for the future of transport. Batteries are used in many applications and are considered to be one technology necessary to reach the climate goals. Currently the market is dominated by lithium‐ion batteries, which perform well, but despite new generations coming in the near future, they will soon approach their performance limits. Without major breakthroughs, battery performance and production requirements will not be sufficient to enable the building of a climate‐neutral society. Through this “chemistry neutral” approach a generic toolbox transforming the way batteries are developed, designed and manufactured, will be created.