期刊:JAMA [American Medical Association] 日期:1992-04-01卷期号:267 (13): 1844-1844被引量:145
In the July 1990 inaugural issue of theJournal of the American Society of Nephrology, Dr Jared Grantham, the editor, stated that the new journal would play a vital role in providing the broad field of nephrology with "an outlet for communicating issues of practical concern and for disseminating the exciting new discoveries that will flow from the nephrology laboratories and clinics." The prospect of an outstanding journal to serve American nephrologists by providing a major source for new clinical insights and basic scientific discoveries had been an elusive one since the inauguration ofNephronin 1964. This is so despite 17 English-language nephrology journals currently included in theIndex Medicus. In its first 12 months, theJournal of the American Society of Nephrologyhas worked diligently to provide timely publication of submitted manuscripts. The areas that the editors originally indicated would be covered included clinical nephrology, renal physiology and