Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Nickel Coated Carbon Fibre Rod Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Material for using in Automobile Application
A carbon fibre (CF) in the form of a rod (continuous fibre) was used as reinforcement due to its superior strength and modulus properties. Carbon fibre rod reinforced aluminium 6061 alloy metal matrix composite material was synthesized using the stir casting liquid metallurgy route. Aluminium based metal matrix composite materials are light in weight. Very few researchers were worked on carbon fibre rod reinforced metal matrix composites (MMC). Electroless nickel deposition on carbon fibre rods (2mm and 3mm diameter) were carried out for improvement in wettability. On carbon fibre rods, the effectiveness of electroless nickel coating was validated using SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and EDAX (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) analysis. A further coating thickness of nickel was improved using nickel electroplating. In a cast iron mould, nickel-coated carbon fibre rods were arranged in a circular pattern. Completely degassed molten aluminium 6061 alloy was poured in cast iron mould at 600-700 °C. The enhancement in Tribological and mechanical properties is always a prerequisite for technological advancement in automobile sector. From synthesized composites (11.11% Vol. CF and 25% Vol. CF reinforcement) specimen were prepared for density tests, bulk and microhardness tests, friction and wear tests. Synthesized composite has low density, increased bulk and microhardness, low coefficient of friction and reduced wear rate in comparison with aluminium 6061 alloy. Keywords: Carbon Fibre (CF) rod, MMC, Nickel coating, Casting, Mechanical, Tribological