BACKGROUND: (blind field). METHODS: Data on primary or metastatic brain tumor cases that were newly diagnosed from 2001 to 2004 were collected from 2009 until the end of 2012. Approximately 330 neurosurgeons, medical doctors, and staff from 109 institutions collected 16,338 data from clinical records. These institutions included most universities, colleges, and hospitals with Japan Neurosurgical Society-authorized boards. These data were collected via the Internet Data and Information Center for Medical Research. Data, including the birthplace, age, tumor sites, diagnostic method, therapy (surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy), and the outcome of these treatments, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2007 brain tumor classification were collected. Survival data were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: Overall survival (OS, months), progression free survival (PFS, months), 5-year OS, 5-year PFS of each grade of gliomas are as follows; pilocytic astrocytoma; NR (not reached), NR, 92.1%, 73.8%, diffuse astrocytoma: NR, 84.1, 75%, 57%, grade II oligodendroglial tumor: NR, NR, 90%, 74.6%, anaplastic astrocytoma: 38, 19, 41.1%, 28.7%, grade III anaplastic oligodendroglial tumor: NR, 71, 68.2%, 54%, glioblastoma: 15, 8.1, 10.1%, 9.2%. CONCLUSIONS: The 5-year OS of grade II and III gliomas improved compared to that in 1997-2000 but that of glioblastoma did not. Based on the data of BTRJ 2001-2004, trends and problems in treatment and outcomes of gliomas will be presented and discussed. SECONDARY CATEGORY: n/a.