
Prescribing a System of Random Variables by Conditional Distributions

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R. L. Dobrushin
期刊:Theory of Probability and Its Applications [Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics]
卷期号:15 (3): 458-486 被引量:524

Previous article Next article Prescribing a System of Random Variables by Conditional DistributionsR. L. DobrushinR. L. Dobrushinhttps://doi.org/10.1137/1115049PDFBibTexSections ToolsAdd to favoritesExport CitationTrack CitationsEmail SectionsAbout[1] V. V. Sazonov, On perfect measures, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 26 (1962), 391–414, (In Russian.) MR0181729 Google Scholar[2] K. R. Parthasarathy, Probability measures on metric spaces, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, No. 3, Academic Press Inc., New York, 1967xi+276 MR0226684 0153.19101 CrossrefGoogle Scholar[3] M. B. Averincev, A certain method of describing random fields with a discrete argument, Problemy Peredači Informacii, 6 (1970), 100–108, (In Russian.) MR0329038 Google Scholar[4] R. L. Dobrushin, The description of a random field by means of conditional probabilities and conditions of its regularity, Theory Prob. Applications, 13 (1968), 197–224 10.1137/1113026 LinkGoogle Scholar[5] Yu. A. 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