The overall proton conductivity of polycrystalline acceptor-doped BaZrO(3) is limited by the high resistivity of its grain boundaries. To investigate the nature of the electrical response of the grain boundaries as a function of the DC bias, Y-doped BaZrO(3) ceramics with a very large grain size (up to 200 μm) have been prepared in an infrared image furnace. The grains are so large that even individual grain boundaries can be addressed by microelectrodes. DC voltage-dependent resistance and capacitance of the grain boundaries are discussed in terms of the space charge model. The results corroborate carrier depletion (OH(O)˙, h˙, V(O)˙˙) as origin of the pronounced grain boundary resistance. This picture fits well into the space charge scenario found for various related oxide materials, and leads to strategies for improving grain boundary conductivity.