This paper demonstrates the application of a new multiaxial creep damage model developed by the authors to predict the failure time of components made of service aged 2.25%Cr–1%Mo, 0.5%Cr–0.5%Mo–0.25%V low alloy steels, titanium and nickel-based superalloys. The model accounts for the tertiary creep behaviour and assumes the creep damage is related to the internal energy absorbed by the material. The authors argue that the model is the most appropriate for characterizing gross creep damage from a macroscopic point of view because it takes into accounts both the multiaxial internal deformation and loading. The verification and application of the model are demonstrated by applying it to the Bridgman notched bars for which the experimental data are available. The predicted failure times by the model are compared with the experimental results and those obtained from the reference stress method. The results show that the proposed model is capable of predicting failure times of the components made of the above-mentioned materials with an accuracy of 2.2% or better. Also, it is shown that the model predicts the creep failure times of the components more accurately than the reference stress method.