Microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP), a novel bio-mediated ground improvement method, was explored to mitigate liquefaction-prone soils. Geotechnical centrifuge tests were used to evaluate cementation integrity and the response of MICP cemented sands to dynamic loading. The cementation integrity testing reveals a change in behaviour from ‘soil like' to ‘rock like', with an increase in treatment level. Results from dynamic testing demonstrate a clear increase in resistance to liquefaction of MICP-treated sands compared to untreated loose sand. The MICP sands were treated to varying levels of cementation (light, moderate and heavy cementation levels) and assessed using non-destructive shear wave velocity measurements. The centrifuge models were all subjected to ground motions consisting of sine waves with increasing amplitudes. Accelerations, pore pressures and settlements were measured in the soil during shaking, and the changes in soil behaviour and post-shaking shear wave velocity for soils pre...