The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum time for surgical removal of unerupted maxillary anterior supernumerary teeth.The study population consisted of 126 children. Stages C to H of the Demirjian classification were used to classify the dental development of the adjacent incisors. Associations were sought between the complications and the developmental stage of the adjacent maxillary incisors at the time of surgical removal. Tests of association were carried out using Fisher's exact test with a probability level of P=.05 for statistical significance.Significant differences were evident: for mature maxillary central incisors (N=170); between all the proportions for root resorption, with the greatest difference being between stages E and H (P<.001); for arrested root development between stages D and E (P=.013), and D and H (P=.02); and for persistent malocclusion between stages E and G (P=.004), E and H (P=.02), F and G (P=.005), and F and H (P=.01).Early removal of unerupted maxillary supernumerary teeth seems to be advantageous with a cutoff point of approximately 6 to 7 years old, after which more complications are expected.