The purpose of this randomised single blinded study was to determine the optimal size of laryngeal mask airway in the normal adult population, to test the validity of the current selection criteria and to determine if any externally measured anatomical variable correlated with optimal size. In each of 30 apnoeic anaesthetised adults weighing less than 100 kg, size 3, 4 and 5 laryngeal mask airways were inserted in random order by a skilled user and the cuff inflated to a standard pressure (60 cmH 2 O). Optimal size was based on four criteria in order of priority: number of attempts at placement, oropharyngeal leak pressure, fibreoptic score and percentage of vocal cords seen. The size 5 laryngeal mask airway was optimal in 19/30 and the size 4 in 11/30. In no patient was the size 3 the optimal fit. Oropharyngeal leak pressure was significantly higher for each progressively larger size and the fibreoptic view was significantly better for the size 4 and size 5. There was no significant predictive value in any externally measured anatomical variable, but height was the most useful. The best current selection strategy was to choose a size 5 for males and size 4 for females. Potentially useful new strategies may be to use the size 5 in all adults, or a size 5 ≥ 165 cm in height and size 4 for < 165 cm. We conclude that predicting the optimal size of laryngeal mask airway for individual adult patients is complex. The best size selection strategies involve use of the size 4 and 5 laryngeal mask airways in adults.