Individuals with comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experience more severe OCD symptoms and poorer treatment response. Despite some evidence linking OCD symptom domains to trauma, only one study to date has examined typical OCD and PTSD presentations in individuals with OCD+PTSD, and findings were based on a nonclinical sample. The current study sought to replicate findings in a clinical sample of 1,014 patients diagnosed with OCD (n = 928), PTSD (n = 40), and OCD+PTSD (n = 46) in specialty OCD and anxiety treatment programs. Consistent with previous research, patients with OCD+PTSD reported more severe OCD yet similar severity PTSD symptoms and did not evidence a unique phenotypic presentation once symptom overlap and comorbid mood and personality disorders were considered. OCD+PTSD is equally as heterogeneous as OCD and PTSD alone. Implications for the research and treatment of OCD+PTSD are discussed, and assessment and treatment recommendations are provided.