Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a class of synthetic organic fluorides that have been widely used in various industrial and consumer applications. However, their potential ecological risks have raised concerns. In this study, PFASs were investigated in different environmental media in the Jiulong River and Xiamen Bay regions of China, revealing widespread contamination of PFASs in the watershed. PFBA, PFPeA, PFOA, and PFOS were detected in all 56 sites, with short-chain PFASs dominating (72 % of the total). Novel PFAS alternatives, including F53B, HFPO-DA, and NaDONA, were detected in >90 % of the water samples. Seasonal and spatial variations in PFAS concentrations were observed in the Jiulong River estuary, while Xiamen Bay was not significantly affected by seasonal changes. In sediment, PFSAs were dominant with long-chains while PFCAs with short-chains, and the occurrence was influenced by water depth and salinity. PFSAs were more inclined to be adsorbed in sediments than PFCAs, and log Kd of PFCAs increased with the numbers of -CF2-. Paper packaging, machinery manufacturing, WWTP discharge, airport and dock activities were the dominant sources of PFASs. Risk quotient showed that PFOS or PFOA may pose high toxicity to Danio rerio and Chironomus riparius. Although the overall ecological risk in the catchment is still low, the hazard of bio-concentration under long-term exposure and multi-pollutant synergistic toxicity cannot be ignored.