The clock speed of electronic circuits has been stagnant at a few gigahertz for almost two decades because of the breakdown of Dennard scaling, which states that by shrinking the size of transistors they can operate faster while maintaining the same power consumption. Optical computing could overcome this roadblock, but the lack of materials with suitably strong nonlinear interactions needed to realize all-optical switches has, so far, precluded the fabrication of scalable architectures. Recently, microcavities in the strong light-matter interaction regime enabled all-optical transistors which, when used with an embedded organic material, can operate even at room temperature with sub-picosecond switching times, down to the single-photon level. However, the vertical cavity geometry prevents complex circuits with on-chip coupled transistors. Here, by leveraging silicon photonics technology, we show exciton-polariton condensation at ambient conditions in micrometer-sized, fully integrated high-index contrast grating microcavities filled with an optically active polymer. By coupling two resonators and exploiting seeded polariton condensation, we demonstrate ultrafast all-optical transistor action and cascadability. Our experimental findings open the way for scalable, compact all-optical integrated logic circuits that could process optical signals two orders of magnitude faster than their electrical counterparts.