Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube material was subjected to isothermal steam exposures in the range 600–1200 °C for different durations to predict its oxidation behavior during hypothetical accident scenarios. The oxidation exponent obtained from power law fitting of the thermogravimetry (TG) curves deviated from parabolic regime. Nevertheless, oxidation kinetics was described by determining the parabolic rate constants (Kp) in two temperature ranges: Kp = 0.029 exp(-111075/RT) (kg/m2)2/sec for 600–900 °C whereas Kp = 77652.6 exp(-254824/RT) (kg/m2)2/sec for 900–1200 °C. In the tested durations, only the 1000 °C sample has shown breakaway transition, after approximately 105 min and has absorbed the highest amount of hydrogen amongst all samples. The trend in hydrogen pickup fraction (HPUF) was verified by two complementary hydrogen determination methods. Clear differences were identified in the α-Zr(O) layer formed on the samples below and above 900 °C. In the α + β range of 600–900 °C, α-Zr(O) consisted of tiny β precipitates. At and above 900 °C in the fully β range, columnar α-Zr(O) grains were observed.