Catherine M. Aitchison,Ken Albrecht,Kunio Awaga,Katrina Bergmann,Joaquín Calbo,Joseph Cameron,Jenny Clark,Miles I. Collins,Przemysław Data,Paloma dos Santos,Tsuyohiko Fujigaya,Tomoko Fujino,Aiko Fukazawa,Florian Glöcklhofer,Xugang Guo,Martin Heeney,Zachary M. Hudson,Yutaka Ie,Wataru Ishii,Christine K. Luscombe,Rebeca Marcilla,Takumi Matsuo,Syuji Miyazaki,S Nakagawa,Takashi Nakanishi,Nako Nakatsuka,Hiroyuki Nishide,Yoko Sasaki,Bob C. Schroeder,Manpreet Singh,Peter J. Skabara,Yoshifumi Takeda,Yuya Tanaka,Yosuke Tani,Youichi Tsuchiya,Yusuke Tsutsui,Taro Uematsu,Guohua Xie,Nobuhiro Yanai
Wataru Ishii opened discussion of the paper by Jenny Clark: What type of defect is required to induce the coherent singlet fission (SF)? I am curious about the distance between and orientation of the rubrene molecules in the dimer. Jenny Clark responded: It is not yet clear what kind of defect is required to indu