Abstract Inevitable dissolution in aqueous electrolytes, intrinsically low electrical conductivity, and sluggish reaction kinetics have significantly hampered the zinc storage performance of vanadium oxide‐based cathode materials. Herein, core–shell N‐doped carbon‐encapsulated amorphous vanadium oxide arrays, prepared via a one‐step nitridation process followed by in situ electrochemical induction, as a highly stable and efficient cathode material for aqueous zinc‐ion batteries (AZIBs) are reported. In this design, the amorphous vanadium oxide core provides unobstructed ions diffusion routes and abundant active sites, while the N‐doped carbon shell can ensure efficient electron transfer and greatly stabilize the vanadium oxide core. The assembled AZIBs exhibit remarkable discharge capacity (0.92 mAh cm −2 at 0.5 mA cm −2 ), superior rate capability (0.51 mAh cm −2 at 20 mA cm −2 ), and ultra‐long cycling stability (≈100% capacity retention after 500 cycles at 0.5 mA cm −2 and 97% capacity retention after 10 000 cycles at 20 mA cm −2 ). The working mechanism is further validated by in situ X‐ray diffraction combined with ex situ tests. Moreover, the fabricated cathode is highly flexible, and the assembled quasi‐solid‐state AZIBs present stable electrochemical performance under large deformations. This work offers insights into the development of high‐performance amorphous vanadium oxide‐based cathodes for AZIBs.