B Van Berlo,Callan D. Wesley,Dustin Krüger,Birgit Van Asbroeck,Cédric Neutel,Céline Civati,Pasquale Esposito,Gilles W. De Keulenaer,Pieter‐Jan Guns,Vincent F. M. Segers
Abstract Introduction Neuregulin-1 (NRG-1) is a growth factor derived from endothelial cells and belongs to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family. While NRG-1 is expressed by various cell types, including epithelial cells, glial cells, neurons, and myocytes, the primary source of NRG-1 is considered to be the endothelium. NRG-1 exerts its effects through the EGF receptors ERBB2, ERBB3, and ERBB4. Upon ligand binding, these receptors dimerize and become phosphorylated, leading to downstream signaling that impacts tissue proliferation, differentiation, and survival. The biological role of NRG-1 is intricate due to its isoforms and differential expression across distinct tissue types. In our study, we investigated the impact of endothelial NRG-1 knock-out (KO) on the heart, both in the presence and absence of angiotensin II (ANGII) treatment. ANGII serves as a trigger for NRG-1 upregulation. Methods C57BL/6N-VE-cad-cre-ERT2 mice were crossbred with C57BL/6N-NRG F/F mice, enabling endothelial-specific NRG-1 knockout (KO) using a tamoxifen-inducible promoter. At eight weeks of age, C57BL/6N-VE-cad-cre-ERT2-NRG F/F mice received tamoxifen (1 mg) or vehicle injections for nine consecutive days intraperitoneally (i.p.) to induce the KO. Two days after injection, osmotic minipumps were subcutaneously implanted, releasing a stable dose of angiotensin II (ANGII) at a rate of 400 ng·kg·min⁻¹ for a four-week period. Sham operations served as controls (SHAM). In the final week of treatment, high-frequency ultrasound imaging was performed to assess cardiac function and dimensions. After four weeks of ANGII treatment, mice were sacrificed, and organs were weighed and harvested for further molecular analysis. Results High-frequency ultrasound revealed left ventricle dilation in the absence of endothelial NRG-1, both in ANGII-treated and SHAM-treated mice. This was demonstrated by a significant increase in systolic and diastolic left ventricle internal diameter (LVID) in the endothelial NRG-1 KO groups compared to their respective controls. Additionally, systolic and diastolic LV volume (LV-vol) was significantly increased in the endothelial NRG-1 KO groups, regardless of ANGII treatment. Notably, there was no difference in LVID and LV-vol between SHAM and ANGII-treated groups in the presence of endothelial NRG-1, indicating that LV dilation is primarily due to the absence of endothelial NRG-1 rather than ANGII. Furthermore, heart weights of the endothelial NRG-1 KO mice were significantly increased compared to the control groups, as shown in Figure 1. Conclusion Our study demonstrates that endothelial NRG-1 KO leads to LV dilation, suggesting a crucial role for endothelial-secreted NRG-1 in maintaining normal LV function in adulthood. Further research is needed to fully understand the precise role of NRG-1 in LV homeostasis.