Significance We identified transgenic plants that are extremely resistant to drought from a large-scale screening of transgenic plants overexpressing the pyrabactin resistance 1-like (PYL) family of abscisic acid (ABA) receptors. We explored how these plants resist drought by examining both short-term responses, such as stomatal closure, and long-term responses, such as senescence. The physiological roles of ABA-induced senescence under stress conditions and the underlying molecular mechanism are unclear. Here, we found that ABA induces senescence by activating ABA-responsive element-binding factors and Related to ABA-Insensitive 3/VP1 transcription factors through core ABA signaling. Our results suggest that PYL9 promotes drought resistance by not only limiting transpirational water loss but also, causing summer dormancy-like responses, such as senescence, in old leaves and growth inhibition in young tissues under severe drought conditions.