Fluorescent single crystals that respond to multiple external stimuli are of great interest in molecular machines, sensors, and displays. The integration of photo- or acid-induced fluorescence enhancement and bending in one organic crystal, however, has not been reported yet. Herein, we report the interesting plastic photomechanical bending and switching on of the fluorescence of an azine crystal in a single-crystal transformation, due to extended π-conjugation and molecular slippage. Moreover, the fluorescent plastic bending driven by multiple volatile acid vapors was firstly observed, and attributed to the synergistic effect of push-pull electronic structure and hydrogen bonding. The single crystal also shows high elasticity under external force. In addition, reversible fluorescence switching can be triggered by grinding and solvent fuming, as well as by the adsorption and desorption of HCl vapor. The integration of plastic, elastic bending and switch-on fluorescence into one single crystal provides a new strategy for next-generation smart materials.