The corrosion inhibition property of expired Doxofylline (DF) was tested for soft steel in 1 M hydrochloric acid solution by adopting mass change and electrochemical measurement techniques. At 200 ppm concentration of DF, maximum of 72.84% inhibition efficiency was noticed. However with addition of 50 ppm of KI, it enhances the percentage inhibition efficiency up to 88.48%. DF resists both anodic and cathodic reactions and functioned as mixed-inhibition mechanism. At higher temperatures, electrochemical impedance response noticed that, the diameter of the semicircle decreases as solution temperature increases As a result, in both absence and presence of the inhibitor the Rp values were decreased. Quantum chemical studies revealed about structural and electronic effects in relation to the inhibition efficiencies. Surface morphology of both inhibited and corroded soft steel was assessed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM)) and atomic force microscope (AFM). The SEM images of soft steel reflect the inhibitive property of the DF at optimized concentration and a significant decrease in the surface roughness was observed (surface roughness was reduced from 606 nm to 294 nm as measured by AFM)). UV-Visible absorption peaks signifies that CC and CO groups from the inhibitor were interacted with iron cations, which is the evidence for the formation protective film over the soft steel surface.