Contents: R.C. Barnes, Foreword. Introduction. Part I:Theoretical Approaches to Personal Meaning. S.R. Maddi, Creating Meaning Through Making Decisions. E. Klinger, The Search for Meaning in Evolutionary Perspective and Its Clinical Implications. D. Korotkov, The Sense of Coherence: Making Sense Out of Chaos. D.R. Beike, P.M. Niedenthal, The Process of Temporal Self-Comparison in Self-Evaluation and Life Satisfaction. P.S. Fry, The Development of Personal Meaning and Wisdom in Adolescence: A Reexamination of Moderating and Consolidating Factors and Influences. P.T.P. Wong, Implicit Theories of Meaningful Life and the Development of the Personal Meaning Profile. Part II:Research in Personal Meaning. K.L. Sommer, R.F. Baumeister, The Construction of Meaning From Life Events: Empirical Studies of Personal Narratives. R.A. Emmons, P.M. Colby, H.A. Kaiser, When Losses Lead to Gains: Personal Goals and the Recovery of Meaning. P. Ebersole, Types and Depth of Written Life Meaning. B.R. Little, Personal Project Pursuit: Dimensions and Dynamic of Personal Meaning. C.D. Ryff, B. Singer, The Role of Purpose in Life and Personal Growth in Positive Human Health. D.L. Debats, Measurement of Personal Meaning: The Psychometric Properties of the Life Regard Index. P.T.P. Wong, Academic Values and Achievement Motivation. Part III:The Role of Personal Meaning in Counseling and Psychotherapy. J. Fabry, The Calls of Meaning. E. Lukas, The Meaning of Life and the Goals in Life for Chronically Ill People. H.J.M. Hermans, Meaning as an Organized Process of Valuation: A Self-Confrontational Approach. C.J. Farran, D.R. Kuhn, Finding Meaning Through Caring for Persons With Alzheimer's Disease: Assessment and Intervention. P.T.P. Wong, Spirituality, Meaning, and Successful Aging. P.T.P. Wong, Meaning-Centered Counseling.