Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the diagnosis and treatment technology of corneal diseases has developed rapidly. In the field of infectious keratopathy, China was the first country that discovered chlamydia trachomatis in the world, which promoted the study on the pathogenesis as well as the diagnosis and treatment of infectious keratitis, especially fungal keratitis. In the aspect of surgical technology, we have learned from other countries and innovated different types of transplantation surgeries suitable for patients with corneal diseases in China. Regarding the construction of eye banks, the cornea donation process and the operation techniques have been developed and standardized. In addition, to improve the cornea disease-related inspection level, new equipment such as specular microscopy and confocal microscopy has been introduced. These efforts have decreased corneal diseases from the first blinding eye disease to the second in our country. In the past 70 years, China's diagnosis and treatment technology in corneal diseases has achieved remarkable progresses, but there are still many shortcomings. Standing on the shoulders of the older generations of ophthalmologists, we should continue to serve the patients with corneal diseases wholeheartedly. We would like to send congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology with this article. ( Chin J Ophthalmol, 2020, 56: 401-408).新中国成立以来,角膜病的诊疗技术得到快速发展。在感染性角膜病诊疗、手术技术发展、眼库建设、角膜相关检查设备等方面,均取得了巨大进步,使得我国角膜病从新中国成立初期的首位致盲性眼病下降为第2位。在回顾我国角膜病诊疗技术70年的发展和瞩目成绩的同时,尚应认识到存在的不足。站在老一辈眼科工作者的肩上,我们应继续努力,为角膜盲患者的复明贡献更大的力量。谨以此文祝贺《中华眼科杂志》创刊70周年。(中华眼科杂志,2020,56:401-408).