Mohamed I. Hassan Ali,Oraib Al‐Ketan,Nada Baobaid,Kamran A. Khan,Rashid K. Abu Al‐Rub
Abstract The drive for small and compact electronic components with higher processing capabilities is limited by their ability to dissipate the associated heat generated during operations. Therefore, these components are equipped with heat sinks to facilitate the dissipation of thermal energy. The emergence of additive manufacturing (AM) allowed for new degrees of freedom in terms of design and eliminated the need for excessive tooling that is associated with the conventional manufacturing processes. As such, AM facilitated the development of geometrically complex heat sinks that are capable of capitalizing on topological aspects to enhance their performance. The main objective of this study is to propose and develop architected heat sinks. We propose the use of heat sinks with topologies based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS). 3D CFD models are developed using Starccm+ platform for three architected heat sinks to study the heat transfer coefficient and surface temperature in free convection heat transfer domains. The heat dissipation versus the input heat sources as well as the heat transfer coefficient will be used for measuring the heat sink performance. The required fluid flow rate and pressure drop will be used to measure the required cooling power for the proposed heat sinks.