Aluminum phosphide (ALP) is frequently used for grain conservation despite its high toxicity. In some developing countries increased utilization of ALP has resulted in increment of ALP-attributed poisoning numbers. The mortality of ALP poisoning is extremely high and no effective antidote is available so far. However, the astute survey of potential misconceptions in the course of acute toxicity has led some scientists to introduce novel therapeutic approaches. Meanwhile, some new antioxidants were discovered and expected to be used in the management of ALP poisoning. In addition, the progress in intensive care has promoted technologies such as CRRT, IABP and ECMO for the treatment of ALP poisoning with reported success in alleviating severe toxicity. Recent studies on the therapy of ALP poisoning are reviewed in this article.磷化铝(aluminum phosphide,ALP)是一种具有高毒性的谷物熏蒸剂。在一些发展中国家,ALP的频繁使用导致中毒的患者数量增加。ALP中毒的死亡率极高且目前尚无特效的解毒剂。对急性毒性过程探讨的不断深入引入了新的治疗手段。某些新的可能有效的抗氧化剂有望应用于治疗ALP中毒。此外,重症监护医学的发展促进了持续肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)、主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)和体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)等技术的临床应用,已有部分成功的AlP中毒救治案例报道。我们对近年来急性磷化铝中毒治疗的研究进展进行综述。.