Objective: To understand the prevalence of alcohol drinking in 20-79 years old males with different educational backgrounds and smoking behaviors in different areas of China. Methods: A multi-stage cluster random sampling survey was conducted in 150 surveillance sites in 2010-2012 Chinese nutrition and health surveillance in China. At least 1 000 subjects were selected in each surveillance site. Alcohol drinking prevalence and pattern information were collected by using personal health and food frequency questionnaire in face to face interviews. Results: A total of 60 791 males aged 20-79 years were surveyed. The prevalence of alcohol drinking was 57.8% (58.3% in rural area, 57.3% in urban area). The mean daily alcohol intake level was 32.7 g (33.3 g in rural area, 32.1 g in urban area). The rate of almost drinking every day and daily alcohol intake level were highest among males aged 50-59 years. Mean daily alcohol intake level, rate of almost drinking every day and excessive drinking decreased with the increase of education level. Non-smokers had higher rate of never drinking and lower prevalence of drinking and excessive drinking, lower mean daily alcohol intake level, and lower rate of almost drinking every day compared with current and past smokers. Conclusions: Alcohol drinking was common in males aged 20-79 years in China, and, the difference was not obvious between rural residents and urban residents. The differences in daily intake level of different alcohol drinks among males with different characteristics had certain significance. Significant difference in excessive drinking was found among different age groups, those with different education levels and those with different smoking history.目的: 了解我国20~79岁不同地区、年龄、文化程度和吸烟情况的男性人群的饮酒行为。 方法: 2010-2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群随机抽样方法,在全国150个监测点开展抽样调查,每个监测点调查人数不少于1 000人。个人饮酒行为信息来源于"个人健康情况调查问卷",由统一培训的调查员面对面询问获得。 结果: 60 791名20~79岁男性纳入分析,其饮酒率为57.8%(农村为58.3%,城市为57.3%),饮酒者日均酒精摄入量为32.7 g(农村为33.3 g,城市为32.1 g)。我国50~59岁年龄组男性几乎每天饮酒的构成比和平均每日酒精摄入量在各年龄组中最高。随着文化程度的提高,平均每日酒精摄入量、几乎每天饮酒的构成比和过量饮酒率明显下降。不吸烟人群的饮酒率、平均每日酒精摄入量、几乎每天饮酒的构成比和过量饮酒率均低于曾经吸烟和现在吸烟人群。 结论: 我国20~79岁男性饮酒行为较普遍,城乡差别较小,但平均每日来源于不同酒类的酒精摄入量在不同特征人群中存在一定差异,不同年龄、文化程度和吸烟情况的男性人群过量饮酒率存在较大差异。.