ropean Participants. 108 European accredited and non-accredited laboratories participated in a proficiency test on Vickers hardness test according to EN ISO 6507-1. Three different test methods were offered: measurement of monitoring indentations, test method HV 10 and test method HV 30. The test results of the participating laboratories were compared to certified reference values. The evaluation of the results can be summarised as follows: The overall performance of the participating laboratories is good, the quality is technically on a high level. Only a few laboratories failed to meet the requirements of the test standard. The training of the staff members, calibration of the optical devices and the repeated direct and indirect calibration cause a high level of competence. The results which where not satisfactory are mostly connected to insufficient measurement capabilities. The size of the indentations made, was not correctly measured and reported. A proficiency test on Brinell hardness test (EN ISO 6506) which is open for all testing laboratories will start in May 2001. Information are available at