Abstract Uncontrollable dendrite growth hinders the direct use of a lithium metal anode in batteries, even though it has the highest energy density of all anode materials. Achieving uniform lithium deposition is the key to solving this problem, but it is hard to be realized on a planar electrode surface. In this study, a thin lithiophilic layer consisting of vertically aligned CuO nanosheets directly grown on a planar Cu current collector is prepared by a simple wet chemical reaction. The lithiophilic nature of the CuO nanosheets reduces the polarization of the electrode, ensuring uniform Li nucleation and continuous smooth Li plating, which is difficult to realize on the normally used lithiophobic Cu current collector surface. The integration of the grown CuO arrays and the Cu current collector guarantees good electron transfer, and moreover, the vertically aligned channels between the CuO nanosheets guarantee fast ion diffusion and reduce the local current density. As a result, a high Columbic efficiency of 94% for 180 cycles at a current density of 1 mA cm −2 and a prolonged lifespan of a symmetrical cell (700 h at 0.5 mA cm −2 ) can be easily achieved, showing a simple but effective way to realize Li metal‐based anode stabilization.