We studied a combination of photodynamic therapy (PDT) and sonodynamic therapy (SDT) for improving tumoricidal effects in a transplantable mouse squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) model. Two sensitizers were utilized: the pheophorbide-a derivative PH-1126, which is a newly developed photosensitizer, and the gallium porphyrin analogue ATX-70, a commonly used sonosensitizer. Mice were injected with either PH-1126 or ATX-70 i.p. at doses of 5 or 10 mg/kg.bw. At 24 (ATX-70) or 36 hr (PH-1126) (time of optimum drug concentration in the tumor) after injection, SCCs underwent laser light irradiation (88 J/cm2 of 575 nm for ATX-70; 44J/cm2 of 650 nm for PH-1126) (PDT), ultrasound irradiation (0.51 W/cm2 at 1.0 MHz for 10 minutes) (SDT), or a combination of the two treatments. The combination of PDT and SDT using either PH-1126 or ATX-70 as a sensitizer resulted in significantly improved inhibition of tumor growth (92-98%) (additive effect) as compared to either single treatment (27-77%). The combination using PH-1126 resulted in 25% of the treated mice being tumor free at 20 days after treatment. Moreover, the median survival period (from irradiation to death) of PDT + SDT-treated mice (> 120 days) was significantly greater than that in single treatment groups (77-95 days). Histological changes revealed that combination therapy could induce tumor necrosis 2-3 times as deep as in either of the single modalities. The combination of PDT and SDT could be very useful for treatment of non-superficial or nodular tumors.