Stabilizing and upregulating Axin with tankyrase inhibitor reverses 5-fluorouracil chemoresistance and proliferation by targeting the WNT/caveolin-1 axis in colorectal cancer cells
Chemoresistance is a main obstacle for colorectal cancer treatment. In this study, we evaluated the effects and mechanisms of the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway on the chemoresistance of SW480 and SW620 colorectal cancer cells. The activity of β-catenin was activated/inhibited by the small molecule compound GSK-3 inhibitor 6-bromo-indirubin-3’-oxime and the tankyrase inhibitor XAV939. The downstream target genes of the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway were screened using a cDNA microarray and bioinformatics analysis. Apoptosis induced by 5-Fu, cell cycle distribution and expression levels of WNT/β-catenin/TCF12/caveolin-1 and multidrug resistance proteins were examed by flow cytometry and western blot after β-catenin activation/inhibition and caveolin-1 overexpression/interference. The effect and mechanism of XAV939 on proliferation and apoptosis induced by 5-Fu in xenograft tumors of nude mice were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and TUNEL staining. 6-Bromo-indirubin-3’-oxime treatment increased β-catenin expression by regulating GSK-3β phosphorylation, accompanied by upregulation of TCF12, caveolin-1, P-gp, and MRP2 and downregulation of apoptosis induced by 5-Fu. Conversely, XAV939 treatment decreased β-catenin expression by upregulating Axin, accompanied by downregulation of TCF12, Caveolin-1, P-gp, and MRP2 and upregulation of apoptosis induced by 5-Fu. The caveolin-1 gene was identified as an important downstream gene of the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway. Caveolin-1 overexpression upregulated β-catenin expression, increased P-gp and MRP2 expression and decreased apoptosis induced by 5-Fu; conversely, caveolin-1 interference caused the opposite effects. In addition, in vivo experiments showed that XAV939 treatment reduced β-catenin expression, increased apoptosis induced by 5-Fu and repressed xenograft tumor growth. Our findings suggested that inhibition of WNT/β-catenin/TCF12/caveolin-1 provides a new promising therapeutic strategy for colorectal cancer treatment.