Online self-adaptive proportional-integral-derivative control for brushless DC motor based on variable universe fuzzy inference system optimized by genetic algorithm
In this study, we propose a novel robust online self-adaptive Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control design for Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM) speed system under different operating conditions. The online adaptive tuning for PID parameters is realized accurately by optimizing the control rules of variable universe fuzzy inference with a modified genetic algorithm (GA). Based on the variable fuzzy inference theory, the method of solving contraction–expansion factor in real-time through fuzzy inference is proposed. Furthermore, the process to optimize two inference rules by GA is improved to get optimal control rules for adjusting PID parameters. Finally, multiple sets of simulations and experiments are conducted to validate the proposed controller in different conditions by building Simulink models and setting up experiment platforms. The results of this study not only demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller but also provide technical suggestions for the speed control of BLDCM.