This longitudinal study aimed to explore the nature of the relationships between personality Big Five as measured by the (NEO PI-R), psychometric and self-estimated intelligence (Ravens, Wonderlic and Baddeley Tests) and creativity (Barron Welsh Test). A model was developed which proposed that both self-estimated intelligence (SEI) and creativity (SEC) as well as the Big Five personality traits, predicted both psychometric intelligence and creativity which in turn predicted academic performance. Results showed that Openness was significantly correlated with, and predicted, fluid intelligence (Ravens) as well as psychometric Creativity (Barron Welsh). SEI was found to be predictive of intelligence scores on all three IQ tests. Openness to Experience (positively) and Conscientiousness (negatively) was found to predict psychometric Creativity. Males gave consistently higher estimates than females in SEI and SEC. Academic performance was found to be predicted by trait Conscientiousness, and also by Baddeley (fluid intelligence). Implications of this study are discussed.