Since the beginning of the Apollo space ight program, entry guidance has been widely treated by engineers and researchers.The rst, successful approach, used for several programs (Apollo, Space Transportation System [1]), was based on the planning of an entry trajectory in terms of the drag-velocity plane.The rationale for this choice resides in the fact that the typical environmental constraints (dynamic pressure, heat ux and load factor), as well as the range-to-go, can be eciently represented in this drag-velocity plane.The longitudinal guidance can then be derived in several ways.For instance, assuming the equilibrium-glide approximation [2], extracting the longitudinal states (altitude, speed, ight-path angle) from the drag acceleration and its derivatives [3], or implementing constraints-tracking guidance schemes [4].Similar results can be obtained if the dragvelocity plane is replaced by the drag-energy plane [57].In any case, approximations, disturbances and modeling errors make the use of a feedback controller necessary to track the scheduled nominal