Evgeny A. Zarov,Elena D. Lapshina,Iris Kuhlmann,Ernst‐Detlef Schulze
Abstract. Dissolved organic carbon is an additional path of carbon cycle but there is a lack of information about its distribution in peatland and rates of downward movement. We dated seven peat cores (separately the dissolved (DOC) and particulate (POC) organic carbon) from Mukhrino peatland (typical zonal oligotrophic bog) in western Siberia to assess the date distribution between those two peat fractions. Our results revealed that the DOC is younger than POC for the surface peatland layers (0–150 cm) and older for the deeper layers. The date differences increases with depth and reaches 2000–3000 years at the bottom layer (430–530 cm). In our hypothesis this date discrepancy caused by more young DOC moving to the deeper and older peat layers. The estimated average value of DOC downward movement was 0.047 ± 0.019 cm yr−1. Th oldest dates found at the lake bottom and ancient riverbed were 10 053 and 10 989 cal yr BP correspondingly. For the whole period of peatland functioning the average peat accumulation rate was estimated as 0.067 ± 0.018 cm yr−1 (0.013–0.332 cm yr−1), the carbon accumulation rate was estimated as 38.56 ± 12.21 g С m−2 yr−1 (28.46–57.91 g С m−2 yr−1).