Technological advances in the last two decades have aroused great interest in the class of dynamic vehicle routing problems (DVRPs), which is reflected in the significant growth of the number of articles published in this period. Our work presents a comprehensive review of the DVRP literature of the last seven years (2015–2021) focusing mainly on applications and solution methods. Consequently, we provide a taxonomy of the problem and a taxonomy of the related solution methods. The papers considered for this review are discussed, analyzed in detail and classified according to the proposed taxonomies. The results of the analysis reveal that 65% of the articles deal with dynamic and stochastic problems (DS) and 35% with dynamic and deterministic problems (DD). With respect to applications, 40% of articles correspond to the transportation of goods, 17.5% to services, 17.5% to the transport of people and 25% to generic applications. Among the solution methods, heuristics and metaheuristics stand out. We discussed the application opportunities associated with DVRPs in recent business models and new concepts of logistical operations. An important part of these new applications that we found in our review is in the segment of business-to-consumer crowd-sourced services, such as peer-to-peer ride-sharing and online food ordering services. In our review many of the applications fall into the stochastic and dynamic category. This means that for many of these applications, companies usually possess historical data about the dynamic and uncertainty sources of their routing problems. Finally, we present the main solution streams associated with DVRPs.