Qiongxiao Wu,Jianjun Wang,Jingming Chen,Pengzheng Li
Abstract Based on the one-dimensional simulation model of lubricating oil system is established and analyzed by using FLOWMASTER software, this paper proposes a new method of optimizing lubricating oil system by PID technology. Ensure that the configuration requirements and control strategies of the relevant accessories of the simulation model are satisfied with the design requirements. Firstly, by simulating lubricating oil pressure fluctuation and lubricating oil flow distribution under Open/Close Valve in different opening and closing time, the optimal opening/closing time of Open/Close Valve is determined to be 0.2 s and 0.5 s respectively. Secondly, by writing the controller script file combined with a controller to realize automatic unloading relief valve simulation, determine the relief valve pressure regulating range of 0∼0.38 MPa, For precision of constant pressure valve of oil spill, the simulation results show that the average 10 m3/h flow caused by pressure changes of about 0.06 MPa. Under the flow sudden change signal of about 40 m3/h, the maximum pressure change is less than 0.1 MPa. Through the simulation results, it is found that most of the lubrication parts in the original design have the phenomenon of flow redundancy, which causes unnecessary pump power loss. The system is optimized by PID technology. By comparing the simulation results before and after optimization, it is found that the speed of constant displacement pump could be changed in time by PID controller, and the flow redundancy could be improved significantly, so the lubricating oil system could be lower consumption and achieve the purpose of optimization.