Conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) is a powerful tool used in the microelectronics analysis by applying a certain bias voltage between the conducting probe and the sample and obtaining the electrical information of sample. In this work, the surface morphological information and current images of the lambda DNA (λDNA) molecules with different distributions were obtained by C-AFM. The 1 and 10 ngμl-1DNA solutions were dripped onto mica sheets for making randomly distributed DNA and DNA network samples, and another 1 ngμl-1DNA sample was placed in a DC electric field with a voltage of 2 V before being dried for stretching the DNA sample. The results show that the current flowing through DNA networks was significantly higher than the stretched and random distribution of DNA in the experiment. TheI-Vcurve of DNA networks was obtained by changing the bias voltage of C-AFM from -9 to 9 V. The currents flowing through stretched DNA at different pH values were studied. When the pH was 7, the current was the smallest, and the current was gradually increased as the solution became acidic or alkaline.